Hello Family,
Thank you for your letters and your care. It is cool to hear that the garden is doing well, but it is strange to me to think that the plants are already producing because it is just starting to get warm here. I used to base the time of the year on the seasons, but it is a little different here, and time is really just flying by. I am glad to hear that Madison thinks about me. It is good to hear of the spirituality of you mom and dad. It sounds to me that you have really grown a lot and it makes me happy. I know the gospel is true and that through Christ and his teachings we really do become more refined people that are closer to God and closer to happiness. Maybe you have the question of how calls will work for mothers day. It is coming soon (in 2 Sundays). We may be able to do skype, but maybe not. If we can and you want to, you will want to send me next week the name that I can find you, and I will tell you on next monday how I will do it. If I do it by phone, I will tell you the time and the number which you can call me on.
The city that has been the prettiest is probably Ufa, because it is actually a fairly clean city. Ekaterinburg has some cool architecture, but it is in the city. Something interesting is that a BYU perfoming group Living Legends will be performing in Ekaterinburg and in other cities in our mission. You can look them up, but I hope some people might get interested in the church some how because of it. This week I had a visa trip, and my companion did, so we were with different companions. Right now, we have Love you, no time, bye. -Elder Larson